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Discovered in Ukraine the oldest sundial planet

Carved Stone Bronze Age Ukrainians found by archaeologists in 2011 is the oldest sundial in the world, completed a Russian scientist.

According to the site Gearmix, this Sundial marks the spot where a young man was sacrificed previously chosen to be ' the messenger ' of gods or ancestors , according to the researcher at the Center archaeoastronomical Research of the Federal University of Southern Russia, Larisa Vodolazskaya.

The scientist analyzed the geometry of the marks and signs in stone, and confirmed that the stone has markings to measure time through a system of parallel lines and elliptical pattern of decline as circulated . Precisely these features indicate that this type sundial is analemmatic , designed on a horizontal time scale and located on the perimeter of an ellipse . It was established that the sundial can accurately mark time. " They were created specifically for use in the latitude in which they were found ," said Vodolazskaya.

Sundials found belong to the culture of Srubna , one of the cultures of the Bronze Age . That culture is famous for its wooden tombs and today continue to be discovered tombs of this kind in Ukraine . In 2011 a group of archaeologists from the Donetsk Regional Museum found a burial of a culture that included this stone and dating from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries BC.

Source: RT

Pictures: Larisa Vodolázskaya

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